Ankara Ankle Closed (Arthroscopic) Surgery

Closed ankle surgeries are surgeries in which various problems within the joint are eliminated, hospital stay is short and patient satisfaction is high. Various problems in both the anterior and posterior compartments of the ankle can be treated with this surgical technique. As with other arthroscopic surgeries, the procedure begins by inserting an imaging device into the joint through a small wound. Then, depending on the need, 1 or 2 portals are opened through which surgical instruments can reach the joint. In this way; painful conditions related to the compression of different tissues between the joint, cartilage injuries, movement limitations in the joint, various degenerative problems that disrupt the movement of the joint or cause pain can be solved. Closed ankle (arthroscopic) surgeries are successfully performed at HC International Clinic in Ankara.

You can get information or send your questions by calling our Surgical Ankle Closed (Arthroscopic) Surgery clinic in Ankara.

  • What is closed (arthroscopic) ankle surgery and how is it performed?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of closed ankle (arthroscopic) surgeries?
  • What is the healing process after closed ankle surgeries?
  • What are the results of closed ankle surgeries in athletes and dancers?
  • Is physical therapy required after atroscopic (closed) ankle surgeries?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of closed (arthroscopic) ankle surgeries?

The advantages of ankle arthroscopic surgeries can be listed as follows:

1. It can be used for both diagnosis and treatment.

2. The risk of damage to surrounding tissues is much less than open surgical methods.

3. There is less pain after surgery.

4. The scar is smaller than open surgical techniques.

5. The healing time is shorter.

6.As an advantage of using a camera, some areas that can be reached by creating multiple wounds with open surgical techniques can be reached through a single and small wound.

7. It can be applied in all age groups.

The disadvantages of ankle arthroscopic surgeries can be listed as follows:

1.It imposes a serious economic investment obligation on the institution where it is performed.

2. The learning process is slower than traditional surgery.

3. It should be performed by an experienced surgeon and operating room team trained in this field.

You can get information or send your questions by calling our Surgical Ankle Closed (Arthroscopic) Surgery clinic in Ankara.

You can make an appointment from our phone line 0312 408 21 21 to meet with our specialist physicians in our Surgical Ankle Closed (Arthroscopic) Surgery clinic in Ankara.

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What is the recovery process after closed ankle surgery?

After arthroscopic (closed) ankle surgery, the patient is discharged on the same day or the next day depending on the procedure performed. Depending on the procedure performed, the patient can put weight on the ankle on the same day. However, especially if cartilage repair has been performed, the weight-bearing period may extend up to 6 weeks. During this period, if the patient is not allowed to put weight on the ankle, he/she is asked to walk with a double crutch or walker. Postoperative pain control can usually be achieved with commonly used painkillers.

You can talk to our specialist physicians in ourArthroscopic (closed) ankle surgeries surgery clinic in Ankara or send your questions.

Sporcular ve dansçılarda kapalı ayak bileği ameliyatları sonuçları nasıldır ?

Spor ve dans yaralanmaları sonrasında artroskopik (kapalı) ayak bileği ameliyatlarına sık sık başvurulmaktadır. Gerek amatör gerekse profesyonel sporcu ve dansçılar, bu cerrahi teknik ile mümkün olan en kısa sürede spora ve dansa dönebilmektedirler. Ankara HC International Clinic’de ayak bileği kapalı (artroskopik) ameliyatları başarıyla uygulanmaktadır.

Ayak bileği atroskopik (kapalı) ameliyatları sonrası fizik tedavi gerekir mi?

Ayak bileği artroskopil ameliyatları sonrasında fizik tedavi her zaman gerekmez. Fizik tedavi ihtiyacı, hastanın takibi ile ortaya çıkabilir. Bu durumda gerekli tedavi cerrah ve fizik tedavi uzmanı / fizyoterapist tarafından planlanır.
