Ankara Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a fundamental medical procedure used to evaluate bowel health. In this article, as the Ankara Colonoscopy Center, we will explain what a colonoscopy is, how it is performed, and why this procedure is essential for your health.


  • What is Colonoscopy and How is it Performed? – A Way to Protect Your Intestinal Health
  • What is Helicobacter Pylori Infection and How is it Treated? – Critical Information for Your Digestive Health
  • What are the Differences Between Upper Endoscopy and Colonoscopy? – Two Important Medical Examination Methods

What is Colonoscopy and How is it Performed? – A Way to Protect Your Intestinal Health


Definition and Purpose of Colonoscopy:

Colonoscopy is a type of endoscopy performed to examine the inner surface of the large intestine. This procedure is used to diagnose various digestive system diseases, primarily bowel disorders.


How is Colonoscopy Performed?

Colonoscopy is usually performed under sedation. A long, flexible tube called a colonoscope is advanced through the patient’s rectum to examine the inner surfaces of the large intestine. During the procedure, the doctor observes the intestine and may perform a biopsy or remove polyps if necessary.


Preparation Before Colonoscopy:

Preparation for colonoscopy requires the patient to empty their bowels before the procedure. This is usually done with a special diet and laxatives. Complete bowel cleansing helps the doctor have a clear view inside the intestine.

Post-Colonoscopy Care:

After colonoscopy, patients are observed for a while. Gas and mild discomfort are normal post-procedure, but severe pain or bleeding should be reported to a doctor.


Importance of Colonoscopy:

Colonoscopy is vital, especially for screening bowel disorders.

Colonoscopy is a critical step to protect your bowel health. If you have any concerns related to your bowels or need regular screening, you can book an appointment with the experienced doctors at Ankara Colonoscopy Center.

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What are the Differences Between Upper Endoscopy and Colonoscopy? – Two Important Medical Examination Methods


Upper endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy – or simply known as endoscopy – and colonoscopy are two common medical procedures used for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system diseases. In this article, we will explore the key differences between these two procedures and their specific areas of application. As the Ankara Colonoscopy Center, we aim to provide you with the most up-to-date information.


What is Upper Endoscopy?

Upper endoscopy is a method used to examine the upper digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This procedure is performed using a flexible tube called an endoscope.


What is Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy, on the other hand, is a type of endoscopy used to examine the large intestine and rectum. This procedure is performed using a colonoscope, which is longer and more flexible than an endoscope.


Application Areas:

Upper endoscopy is generally used to diagnose upper digestive system issues such as stomach pain, ulcers, and reflux, while colonoscopy is preferred to examine lower digestive system problems such as bowel disorder screenings and polyp detection.


Procedure and Preparation:

Both procedures are performed in an endoscopy unit, usually under local anesthesia or sedation. However, the preparation process for colonoscopy is more comprehensive and requires complete bowel cleansing.


Post-Procedure Process:

Mild throat discomfort or irritation is normal after an endoscopy, while gas and mild discomfort are common after a colonoscopy. Both procedures are generally low-risk and safe.


Endoscopy and colonoscopy are essential tools for maintaining digestive system health and early disease detection. If you require either of these procedures, please consult our expert team at Ankara Colonoscopy Center.